Spent the morning out at the barn, cleaning both horse and run. Curly has had the last two weeks off and he was full of energy and attitude. I had to re-establish some ground rules - like not getting in my space and waiting until I ask before moving. But he's a smart guy and quickly fell into line.
I had a few minutes in between finishing chores and the arrival of the farrier so we spent some time in the round pen. Curly started off running around like a madman, snorting and kicking up his heels. At one point I was sure he was going to fall because he was cutting the corners at such high speeds, but he managed to stay upright. Curly is terribly out of shape and starting to get flabby. The boy needs to be ridden! After he had burnt off some of his excess energy, we got down to work.
Again, I had to re-establish some expectations but he came around and did his usual good job following my cues. I truly enjoy watching Curly trot around me - he is just so darn beautiful with his glossy coat and flying mane and tail.
Being a predictable soul, Curly played his same old tricks with the farrier: lifting his hoof willingly and then leaning slightly into that same foot making it difficult to finish the shoeing job at hand. I wonder if we will ever be able to fully end this bad habit.
I had a nice visit with the farrier as he went about the business of trimming up Curly's hooves and resetting his shoes.
Overall, a wonderful morning at the barn.