Catherine wasn't too happy this past Sunday about my decision to take Zoe back for my own use. She really enjoys my pony (Well, she is rather fabulous!) and didn't think the other horses being offered would measure up.
After considering her choices (Monte or Dawn for Sunday's lesson, possibly Sally for future use if neither of those suited), she decided to give Monte a try. I talked her through some of his quirks (spooky, fast, headstrong) and warned her to be aware of any pain he might experience in his withers. Her host-mom was very nervous when I told Catherine that he would try to seriously buck her off if she ignored his pain-signals. I was nervous because I know that Monte performs best with a very light hand - and I wasn't sure Catherine would give him that. I didn't know what his reaction would be to her more aggressive riding style....
I watched just a bit of their lesson with Patti Jo, holding my breath the whole time. As I expected, Monte was not very happy with the stronger hands and signals, and let his displeasure be known by giving little crow-hops, bolting and shaking his head. But Catherine was able to get him back, make him tuck his chin and perform as he should. It didn't look like a fun ride to me (way too much work!) but she seemed to enjoy it. Go figure!
I don't know if she'll continue to use Monte. She was surprised that he knew as much as he does; I think from hearing other conversations about Monte, she had assumed he was a very naughty, untrained animal, which is so not true! He's just not the easiest horse to ride. I told Catherine that if she gave it time and developed a relationship with him, Monte would give her everything he had. He really is a special little horse who wants to work hard for the one he connects with.