Wow! I have been quite delinquent in my blogging and so much has happened in my horsey-world.
A couple of weeks ago Elizabeth Anderson was up from California visiting her sister (a dear friend of mine). And lucky for me, Elizabeth agreed to give me a couple of lessons while she was here! Now, I've only had instruction from 2 or 3 people, but I've watched E with many more instructors...and I have to say that I clicked with Elizabeth the best out of any of them. It was amazing!
Our first task was to teach Zoe (and me!) to walk/trot/canter in the round pen. As Elizabeth said, Zoe has been "leading the dance" and it is time for me to take control of her feet and her pace. Easier said than done. :) With practice, however, Zoe and I are getting better at this; I can consistently get her to transition between trot and canter. Getting a walk is challenging, but we will eventually get it! After working with Zoe on this before each ride, I have found that I have a more willing, less "rushy" horse. Just this one thing has changed my rides for the better so much.
When tacking up, Elizabeth had me change back to the French link (I had begun using the curb/Kimberwick again a week or two before, to get some control back). I was a little nervous about this, but she's right that I need to learn to ride my horse correctly and not rely on tack to do the job for me.
Our second task was to work on my seat and position. Elizabeth really had me concentrate on where my seat bones were and how I was sitting in the saddle at all times. The visualizations she gave me really clicked in my mind and by shifting my body just a bit this way and that, Zoe and I achieved a more synchronous ride. I have so much more control over my horse's pace and direction and I can actually (finally!) feel when I should be posting! Yeah, a major breakthrough for me!
Now don't go thinking that we are ready to start competing or anything; I am still very much a beginner and quite frankly, I can barely keep myself together for more than a few seconds at a time.....but it's a beginning.
After Elizabeth left, I had another lesson with Patti Jo. Towards the end of our hour we were doing an exercise that involved small 10 meter circles and for a brief moment (5 or 10 seconds) it ALL finally came together! Zoe was going smoothly, back rounded up, nose down, and I was in the right place as well.
It was heaven! I could feel the difference and I want more of it! :)
Unfortunately, I haven't had many rides this week (I went from 3x a week to 0x! Yikes!) Cold weather and mud season are fast approaching. In fact, here's a pic of my princess, in all her grimy glory!
This is what I find most days when I arrive at the barn now - a dirty, muddy horse. There's no quick grooming these days!
Other big news: I finally posted Monte on DreamHorse. It is so hard to sell our little guy, I just love him so much. But it really is time to find him a good home...of course, that may take a while (which is okay with me 'cause that means I can have that many more pony-snuggles with him!). :)