Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Learning to lope...

The main task for Curly and E. these past few days has been learning to lope. By last night's lesson they both had improved tremendously, picking up the correct lead almost immediately and continuing at the requested pace for as long as E. asked. He still isn't completely reliable when she tells him to lope, but I think within a few months they'll have it down. Which means, yes, they probably will still experience problems in the fair show ring.

E. has learned that the easiest way to get Curly to move is to make sure his buddy Zane is in front of him. We now call it the "Zane magnet" because Curly will disregard all cues and even cut across the arena to get closer to Zane! Funny to watch but frustrating for E. She continues to ride using two hands because of the "Zane magnet." Thank goodness Curly and Zane won't be in the same competition classes.

The "Zane Magnet"

While giving Curly his daily massage yesterday I discovered another tender spot near the middle of his back. We are hoping that it is just sore muscles (which is very possible considering the increase in riding lately) but I may have to call the chiropractor out again if it doesn't improve in the next couple of days. He is moving so much better than last week but still appears a little stiff in his hind legs.

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