Sunday, August 17, 2008

Muddy Frogwater Adventure...

Yesterday E and the other members of her 4-H club rode in their first parade together at the Muddy Frogwater Festival. It was a great event for young first-time paraders since it is not heavily attended and thus has fewer "spooky" things along the route. This proved especially helpful in E's situation because her horse, Q, decided to become a handful, forcing her to dismount and give him over to an adult to try to lead to the end of the parade. We were a little surprised at Q's desire to buck and spook given that he has been ridden in many parades throughout his life...but I guess that just proves that you can never get lax while on the back of a horse 'cause you don't know when they might decide to take a nutty.

In spite of Q's naughtiness, the club did quite well and won a first place award for equestrian groups. Here's some pics of the event:

The pre-parade lineup...E is third from the right.

I made a frog on a lily pad for each girl riding in the parade.

Starting out on the parade route...

I have the most important job of all...official pooper-scooper extraordinaire!

After the parade, the club was invited to the Queen's Luncheon being hosted by the Pioneer Posse Court. And then they were off to a car wash fundraiser...what a busy day!

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