Sunday, November 23, 2008


E had her first riding lesson in months yesterday but about 20 minutes into it we decided that Curly was just too pooped to continue. The boy is way out of shape! Prior to the lesson, E had spent approximately 15 minutes in the round pen with him, doing some ground work and making sure he was ready to attend to her. And then he had about a 30 minute break...but he still just wasn't feeling up to doing much more than a walk after that first 20 of the actual lesson.

It's very obvious that he's had a relaxing past 6 months of doing nothing but being pretty while he healed from his various injuries! And he hadn't been in top shape when we gave him the time off to begin with.

Reconditioning is a top priority now.

Good thing the trail ride on Friday will be done at a sedate walk. :-)

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