E. had her first ride on Curly post-rubber bit Monday afternoon. And it seems to be making a difference in their relationship and ability to communicate with each other. Yippee! She rode around the arena for a full hour, smiling the whole time. I don't think she's had this much fun on her horse for...well, maybe she never has, actually. It also helped that she had a good round-pen session with him prior to getting on his back, so his energy was in a good place and he didn't feel the urge to buck even once. E. did say that he still really wanted to go, but it was all fun and not at all scary for her.
I told A. that we won't be buying Zane. As much as I love the guy, I've decided that his energy level is too much for our family. I just don't have the time he deserves and needs to remain happy, and I'm not a skilled enough rider to handle any surprises he might throw at me after having been left in a stall for too long. It made me sad to think that he won't be a permanent part of my "herd" but I do believe this is the best decision for both horse and rider...