Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lovin' my birthday present

My mother-in-law generously sent me some money for my birthday this year - which I promptly spent on some tack!

I purchased a new black leather bridle and a French-link bit for Zoe, and I love them!  The black looks wonderful against her white/gray fur and it is much more supple than the cheaper-quality one I had been using.  I also got a new dressage saddle pad (white with gold trim, of course!) and a couple of other little items.  There was also a new saddle pad for Monte - a nice, thick one that will hopefully ease some of his wither woes.

Zoe and I have been struggling the past week or so.  She now believes that whenever a saddle is placed on her back and she enters the big arena it is time to run, run, run.  E and I spent an hour on Tuesday just trying to get her to lower her pretty little nose, round up her back and give us her nice trot.  I could barely keep her to a walk and E had difficulty getting her to perform a controlled trot; neither of us let her go into anything resembling a canter.

It wasn't a fun ride.

But we will work through this and get her back to where she was.

E rode Monte as well and declared that he is healthy - and lazy.  She thoroughly enjoyed her pony.