So today I finally made it out of the round pen. After R and I worked with her on the ground first, I saddled Zoe up and made sure she was responding to my ques while riding in the round pen. Then I asked R to open the gate and off we went into the big arena.

Zoe's pace picked up a little and her ears perked forward as we entered this new space. She was very aware of all the birds coming and going all over the place and was a bit wary of the stacks of jumping standards on one side, but we managed just fine.
Next step - get over my fear of speed and finally ask for a trot. (My heart starts twittering just thinking about it! Yikes!)
E & Monte update: E had her first real gallop last Sunday. We spent the evening at a good friend's house and while the burgers were cooking the kiddos raced through the pastures. It was great to see E and her pony tear by at breakneck speeds - until we saw just Monte race by without his rider! All riding came to a screeching halt while we made sure E was okay (she was - she immediately popped up, stomping up a hill, mad that she had come out of the saddle.). Turns out they tried to jump something and halfway through the jump Monte reconsidered. Rather than pull on her horse's mouth terribly, E let go and fell off. A new rule was set down by me - no jumping in her Western saddle! E quickly agreed that maybe it wasn't the best idea. :) But she did decide that she loves to gallop....and I think Monte loved it too.