Group shot, with Molly's ears in the foreground (Isn't she a great photographer?) ;)
I wasn't worried about taking Zoe (or Monte, for that matter) up to the reservoir since they have both been before, and we actually had a decent ride then. So my nerves were not jingling as we loaded up. (I'm basically trying to say that my energy was calm, so my horse shouldn't have gotten anything spooky from me....)
The moment we unloaded, Zoe started to jig and dance around. Just getting her tacked up was a bit of a challenge, but I thought that once I got on her and we started moving she would begin to calm. Boy was I wrong! And by the way, Monte really wasn't much better...
There were about 10 other riders going along with us. Most were calm; only Zoe, Monte, a Tennessee Walker and a very green Morgan were having any visible issues. Right away my girl decided she needed to be near the lead, but not actually in the lead. The baby Morgan got that position. But I had to work to keep Zoe off his tail; I felt like I was yanking on her mouth almost the entire ride! I tried keeping her busy, side passing back and forth, but she was still frequently jigging and spooking.
Monte decided that he needed to be right behind Zoe. But she decided she hated him and actually kicked out at him a few times when he got too near! (That's not a fun feeling, by the way, having your horse kick out while you're on them.) It's safe to say I had one of the worst behaved horses on the trail.
Luckily, there were no run-away moments for Zoe and I. E did have to dismount once when Monte just plain refused to go down a somewhat icy/slick hill. Zoe stumbled and fell to her knees at one point (she was too busy watching imaginary monsters and didn't pay attention to the trail!), which scared me a bit, but we quickly recovered.

If only I had had that wonderful pony for the rest of the ride!
A friend taking pictures commented that even though I claimed this was a far from stellar ride, I am smiling in every single picture she got of me. What can I say? Any moment spent on my horse makes me deliriously, irrationally happy! This is true in lessons as well. All the other students will be so serious and stone-faced and there I am, laughing and talking to my horse the whole time.
I'm crazy, I know. ;)
...And to answer the first question: Yes! This is fun!