Saturday, October 25, 2008

My idiot horse

Don't get me wrong - I really do love the guy - but sometimes he is just such an idiot! He has finally gotten through all his previous lameness problems (shoulder inflamation, tender hoof/frog) and yesterday was to be E's first lesson on him since June. This was kinda important because she's become really afraid to ride him and we all know that the only reason he's been so naughty with her is lack of use.

Anyway, we get out to the barn to clean on Thursday and guess who's barely walking??? The big dork had been playing with some of his horse buddies, racing around and bucking, and it appears he has pulled a muscle on his left front leg.

We are using Bute to help him with his pain and hope that this has resolved itself by Monday. If not, I'll take him into the vet to have the leg looked at.

There are two horses that we may consider this next week. One, Serrano, is an older TB/QH cross who's never done any arena work but is supposedly wonderful out on the trails. My concern with him, however, is that he might find the arena riding we often do way too boring. The second horse, Lottie, is an older mare who has done 4-H, trail riding, lesson horse - well, just about anything we would consider doing, really. She's little - about 14.3 hands - and fat, but cute. Both horses are sound and appear to be great beginner horses. Our friend who is helping us find these animals agrees that E deserves an animal that will be easy. She's had to work hard for a long time already and it's only fair that she have some easy fun now!

I'll keep you updated....

Monday, October 20, 2008

Conquering fear

We spent a few hours out at the barn yesterday, cleaning & doctoring and just generally enjoying the beautiful fall day. E took Curly into the round pen for a long while to exercise him and to make sure he was attending to her.

I wanted her to ride him - which she eventually did - but she was very frightened. All she could think about was her last ride and getting bucked. After much talking and encouragement, E managed to get up in the saddle and go around the arena at a slow pace for 30 minutes. She was scared the whole time.

But she didn't want to get off, either, because she felt like she should be working him. Only she didn't feel confident enough to actually work him. The ride ended in tears.

E will begin lessons again to help her get over these new-found fears. She says she still really wants to ride, only that she doesn't trust Curly. Understandable, really.

But she still loves him.

I have begun to ask around for a horse to lease. We need to find something that will work for her....soon.