Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Daily rides and other miscellaney

We are leaving for our BIG TRIP soon, so E and I have been going out to the barn as often as we can. I want to squeeze in all the horse time I can!

Yesterday was ride night - and PTA night. So dad had the pleasure of taking E and Curly to the 4-H ride while I worked out a new budget with other PTA officers. Here's a great pic he took of all the trailers waiting outside of the arena:

Monday, being a holiday, was also a ride-day for E and I. We took an unplanned trip out to a local reservoir and enjoyed a couple of hours out on the trails:

And last (but certainly not least!), R has discovered that she really likes combing out tails:

Every time we go out to the barn now she starts working on any available tail, patiently untangling and brushing.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Motherly Manipulation...

E wasn't able to get any riding in this week - too many other commitments and rainy weather got in the way. So early yesterday morning I picked her up from her best friend's house (they had had a sleep-over the previous night) and we headed out to the barn. As soon as we arrived, however, E started to fall apart, complaining that she was too tired to do anything.

I wasn't going to let her get out of chores (which is what she was whining about the most, of course!) and as soon as she finished taking care of Curly's stall I "encouraged" her to also groom him. The poor guy was covered in mud and really needed to be cleaned up a bit. E grudgingly did as I asked, moping and whining the entire time.

I was a tad bit frustrated by this time. Plus, I really thought he needed to be ridden since he'd had almost the entire week off.

Then I had a brilliant idea - I asked E if I could ride Curly. Now, remember, I have only gotten on his back a couple times this whole past she was surprised when I asked. As I tacked up I asked her to help me with the bit and the cinch - all things I can do, but I was trying to get her interested in the process. By the time I started to lead Curly to the arena, she was fully engaged and suggesting that she watch "just to make sure you don't get yourself killed, mom."

As I positioned the horse to get on, E then suggested that she warm him up and determine his mindset before I try riding. I graciously took her up on the offer, of course. The whole time this is going on I'm trying my hardest to not smile or laugh. It really was too easy to get her riding her horse!

And after one turn around the arena, she called out that riding Curly was a great idea.

I only hope all the teenage years go so easy.....