Prior to our friend's arrival, E walked Quinn around the barnyard to help him relax in the new space. He was obviously excited to be treading in new territory, but overall his manners were pretty good.
We decided to have E hold his head, rather than tie him up at the rail, while friend Z trimmed his hooves. Quinn freely offered his feet and was fairly well behaved during most of the process. He got a bit antsy towards the end and pulled his back hooves down a time or two, but I'd have to say that he performed better than Curly ever does. It was another point in Quinn's favor! So far he seems like a keeper.
As I had said in an earlier post, his hooves were in sad shape:
Friend Z said it looks like he hasn't had a trim in about a year or so. But the hooves appear to be sound...and they definitely look healthier than Curly's! Quinn's right front needs to grow some before the correct angle is achieved, plus there is a spot on the front of that hoof that looks like either an old injury or abscess that hopefully will grow out.
There are still some splits in the front, even after trimming, but Z did not seem concerned with it. She did note that his right front has grown a little oddly and hopes that it can be corrected with time and good care.
Quinn was quite happy to be released back into his stall after the whole ordeal. He was a little tender-footed, of course. We hope to try him under saddle either tomorrow or Monday.
(By the way, did you notice the green grass in the background of the first picture? All of the snow has melted and the weather is almost spring-like. We've been worried about flooding, but so far the river has stayed within its banks.)
(By the way, did you notice the green grass in the background of the first picture? All of the snow has melted and the weather is almost spring-like. We've been worried about flooding, but so far the river has stayed within its banks.)