It's pretty dry out there right now and we are all a bit gritty from all the flying dust. It must have been miserable for E. in the round pen, standing in the middle of the dust cloud:

Curly was fairly cooperative today and continues to work hard for E. in the pen. She still has to tie reins to the saddle to help with the head position, though. But he is getting better.

You can see in the picture above that he is losing weight nicely. That's also our new saddle on his back - used but decent quality. Next we purchase reins, bit and saddle pad.
Because of Curly's lack of training, E. has been using two hands on the reins. This gives her more control and power when trying to get him to turn. She still has to put quite a bit of muscle into all their riding. Maybe by the end of summer it will be easy.....

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