Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pre-fair has happened....

E. and Curly just finished showing in the halter class at a pre-Fair competition. And they did better than I expected! The judge gave them 90 points (out of a possible 100) and she placed 5th in a group of 11. Not bad! They were criticized for not setting up quickly/easily (they were both pretty fidgety for this part) and for not picking up a trot when she took him back to the lineup. I was just happy that he didn't act like a big ol' anchor at the end of her lead rope!

It has been a long day for E. She must have hurt her knee worse than we thought last Saturday (at least that's all we can trace the current problem to...). It was swollen and pretty painful all day today. She even quit her lesson short this morning due to pain. I gave her Ibuprofen, iced it down for a while and gave her a knee wrap to wear. That all helped but she still was very happy to put the horse away this evening. It was kind of cute to hear her announce to everyone, "I have my first sports-related injury!"

We are taking tomorrow off from all horse riding activities and will be sleeping in. Yahoo!

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