Thursday, September 20, 2007

Pasture fun...

When we arrived at the barn yesterday for lessons Curly was out in the farthest part of the pasture, calmly grazing away. He made E. walk all the way out to him to put the halter on - stubborn boy! She then had to perform the fine trick of getting just him out of the gate and keeping the other 6 curious bodies inside. Somehow E. managed it all.

As they walked over to our stall area I noticed that Curly was favoring his back right leg. It appears that he has pulled a muscle while running around the pasture yesterday. So no lesson for E.

R. got up on Q (he's the horse we are considering leasing for this next year.) and attempted to get through her lesson - but not very successfully. A grumpy old horse and a grumpy little girl do not make a good combination.

We will try again in a day or two. Hopefully Curly's leg will be healed up by then...

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