Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Afternoon barn chores...

Made a quick trip out to the barn this afternoon - which means I spent only 1.5 hours there instead of the usual 2 to 3! Cleaned stalls, visited with my horse buddies and brushed the more major mud clumps off Curly. He seemed to be doing okay today. He is still quite tender in that left back hoof, but was able to walk on it when I let him out of his stall to roam around the barn yard at will.

I called our hay supplier this evening and arranged to pick up 26 more bales on Sunday. We'll need to make three more trips after that to get in all that is needed for the whole winter/spring. Both horses are enjoying their daily ration of one pound of grain pellets. Curly sucks up every little crumb he can find in his feeder. You'd think we were starving him or something!

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