Thursday, January 17, 2008

New horse buddy...

Lessons last night were canceled. Coach A. has been terribly sick - yesterday was the first day she had spent any time outside the house and felt even remotely healthy in over a week.

We still spent some time out at the barn cleaning and grooming. And the best part is that we introduced a friend, L., to horses. Like many young girls, L has wanted a horse for many years. This past weekend her mom approached me about finding a way for L to begin riding and showing her what it takes to keep a horse happy and clean. So, we took L and her mom with us last night! They met Q and Curly, mucked out stalls with us, and brushed some of the mud off of Q. Unfortunately, the sun went down too quickly for L to take a short ride. We'll take her to a lesson on Friday and perhaps she'll be up in a saddle soon! The plan so far is that we'll share Q with her...until her parents get sucked in like we did and buy their own horse too. Bwaahahaaaa......oh, sorry for the evil laugh......

Curly was thoroughly naughty while I was cleaning his stall. He broke through the rope we string up to keep him out of the hay and grain area and was difficult to catch. I needed the help of A. and her husband to trap him. He's definitely become a "grain junkie" and will snatch a bite directly out of the grain bag whenever he can!

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