Saturday, December 27, 2008

A horse with no name...

Our name-less friend

Actually, he does have a name - Slick, sometimes called Red - but we don't really like either one. So E and I have spent the last couple of days trying to come up with an appropriate name for the big guy. Naming a horse is just about as hard as trying to name a baby!

Our first thought was Moe - as in Curly, Moe and Larry of the 3 Stooges. Of course, that means that eventually we would have to get a third horse! (I can hear hubby M groaning as he reads this!)

Not satisfied with that, however, we then moved on to Quin, named after Joaquin Miller, a 19th century American poet who also happened to be a horse thief and a Pony Express rider. Quin stuck around for a bit, but still didn't feel perfect.

Last night, as we were sitting on the couch I suddenly yelled out "Jake!" And we both liked it. So today our nameless horse is named Jake. Now if only I can find some obscure literary connection to make it perfect.....

E and.....Jake???

Friend A gave E and I the perfect Christmas present. She chauffeured us out to the barn on Christmas day so that we could spend some time with our equine friends. The snow and ice have kept us pretty much at home, so I have had to rely on others to get me anywhere that was too far to walk. We had a wonderful time, did some chores and just soaked up the peace and beauty of the horse barn.

Merry Christmas, Curly!

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