Monday, October 5, 2009

Lame boys...

On Friday, E and I went out to the barn to check up on Monte. The swelling in his hind leg was almost invisible, but we decided to not push it with a lesson since he still seemed a little stiff in his movement.

I asked E to pull Curly out for a quick ride instead, with the thought that she could do the next day's lesson on him. But guess who was also lame! With swelling in the same spot, no less! Curly also has quite a bit of tenderness in his mid-back; when we ran our fingers down his spine there were several areas that were painful to him.

So no lesson on Saturday.....which ended up being okay because it rained so much I think we would have had to cancel anyway.

We checked back on the boys on Sunday and Monte was in high spirits with no limping/lameness at all. Curly was still a tiny bit swollen in the hind leg, but seems to be on the mend.

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