Thursday, March 4, 2010

Abscess update

Got a call from the barn manager last night - Curly appeared to be doing worse.

After rushing out there again, I re-cleaned the hoof and we put him into his stall, adding a gate across the run so that he was forced to stay out of the mud for the night. Curly was NOT HAPPY with this arrangement.

The farrier arrived bright and early this morning to trim both boys' hooves. Curly was still a 3-legged horse, though, so there was no way his could get trimmed. Mike tried to determine just what the heck was going on with Curly but he wasn't able to find anything else.

So after we finished up with Monte's pedicure, I hauled Curly off to the vet. The vet's office was totally packed today so she squeezed Curly's care in between other appointments. She took some x-rays of his hoof and found a pocket of infection that she was then able to open up. And it was indeed related to that crack I had noticed on Saturday on the outside of his hoof.

When she sliced into the area black pus, and then blood, came out - YUCK! They had to sedate and then do 2 nerve blocks on Curly in order to accomplish this and she still wasn't able to make him comfortable enough to open the abscess up completely. The doctor medicated and wrapped the hoof up after they were done and then gave the poor boy some bute. He was not feeling too good after the whole ordeal.

Curly is spending the night at the vet's office. I'll pick him up early tomorrow morning. Crossing my fingers that he's feeling much less pain now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He should start feeling better now - poor boy!