We finished up the first "bath" of the year with a good tail and mane washing. Unfortunately, the wind was blowing a bit and the temps were in the 50s - not the best conditions for a comfortable experience. Monte was a trooper and stood (semi)quietly through the ordeal.
Another barn resident graciously loaned us a slinky for his head to help keep all that newly-washed hair clean. I was worried that Monte would freak out as we put it on but as we slid it over his head and covered up his eyes it became obvious that he has worn one of these contraptions in the past. He didn't flinch at all as we struggled to get the eye and ear holes in the right places. I know some 3 year old children who freak out more pulling on a shirt than he did! He's such a great little guy.
After all of this he will be semi-respectable for the first show of the year. Hope the judge doesn't look too closely at the base of his mane, though! :)
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