Anyway, Monte being our only horse at the moment, R went out and had her first real ride on him yesterday. We saddled him up, shortened the stirrups (by 6 holes - and shoulda gone up at least one more really!) and led the horse and rider to the round pen.
Now, R has been up on Monte before - usually on lead-line and one other time in the round pen. But this ride was to be a test of sorts. In the past, E has ridden him first to get all his tricks worked out and quite honestly, to tire him a bit as well. Yesterday we decided that R should be the first rider so we could find out if he will attend to her without the prep and to make sure she could stay in charge as well. And they did fine.
Since R is a beginner, and Monte is pretty much a one-person-horse at this time, the pony was very confused by the cues (or lack of!) being given. It took R a bit to turn him and in the end she had to just pull his head in the direction she wanted to go. But she could steer. And go. And most importantly, stop.
Then she asked if she could go out in the big arena. I was a bit nervous (There are so many spooky things out there! - according to Monte, anyway!), but said yes. R calmly entered the arena, I gave her a pattern to follow.....and she did it!
Monte drags his feet terribly while she is riding and he did little naughty things like rub her leg up on the fence. But he didn't bolt, or try to even go faster, and in the end he basically did whatever R asked. I couldn't ask for much more at this point.'s the big news....R gets to go to horse camp next week! The same camp that helped E learn to ride and really cemented her bond with Curly in the very beginning. Both R and I are really excited.
And I have my fingers crossed that Mr. Monte keeps his head the whole week and doesn't do anything stupid to scare my newest rider. I really want her to like this.....
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