Saturday, August 14, 2010

Settling In

We went out to the barn to hand-graze Zoe for an hour or so yesterday. She's still separated from the other horses and has spent her time cooped up in Monte's stall and run.

Enjoying some green grass

As we were hanging out, C, our friendly barn manager, came over to say how much she likes Zoe so far. She is super excited for us and is really hoping this works out. As we were chatting, E took Zoe back to her stall - which she wasn't too happy about (understandably!). When E turned to leave the stall, Zoe snuck past her and trotted happily out of the stall. E got a little animated and called out for help but in the end it was Zoe herself who helped. She just walked right back to E within a minute. What a good girl!

As we were watching all of this, C got all excited about seeing Zoe's trot. This horse has beautiful foot movement and is wonderful to see. It is obvious that she is meant to be a dressage princess. :)

Zoe got to spend the night in a pasture last night. Today's schedule is a bit wonky due to various events (sleepovers, bbq's, weddings, etc.) so I think she might be relegated to the stall again but I'm hoping that tomorrow we can put her in a pasture with other horses. I know we are being overly cautious about all of this, but we just want to make sure she integrates well - and there is someone around to make sure that that is what is happening. I don't want any meanies picking on my new baby!

Monte fly bite update: He still shies away when we touch the area but I'm wondering if his reaction is becoming habit rather than actual pain. Or maybe it's itchy? Anyway, the reaction is greatly reduced and we can gradually get him to allow us to touch the area. E thinks she might try a saddle on him either this afternoon or tomorrow. Crossing my fingers that all goes well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zoe seems very sweet - hope she continues to work out well for you.