Sunday, January 23, 2011

My sassy girl is back!

It's been daily trips out to the barn this week, giving Zoe doses of pro-biotics and generally making sure she was okay. She was back to eating a regular amount on Wednesday but still picked at her food and was pretty lethargic for most of the week. On Thursday she wouldn't even eat the handful of alfalfa E tried to give her. What healthy horse turns down candy like that????

But yesterday I was greeted by my normally sassy girl - Yippee! When I pulled her from the field she was walking quickly and was actively reaching for more and more and more grass to graze. (She's never terrible when I hand graze her but she does test to see just how far and how much she can get.) And when I went to put her back in the field, I took her halter off just outside the gate (didn't want to walk in the mucky-yucky mud) and instead of docilely walking through and into the field, she backed up and started grazing again. Naughty girl! Once I got her to go through the gate (no real challenge, actually) she took off galloping down the fence line, tail raised high.

I loved it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that the worse is behind Zoe and you. Today was beautiful and such a nice day to be out and about.