Curly and E. have been using an old saddle that the current owner is letting us try out. It's good quality but HEAVY! Curly's back is a bit sore from the way it pushes E. towards his rear end but I was informed by our trainer that that problem could be lessened, and maybe even completely alleviated, by a new saddle pad. "No problem," I think. Then she tells me which one she recommends and how much it costs - $140! And we might get 2 years of use out of it! Yikes!
Plus we need a new bit, new reins, a new cinch.....well, the list goes on and on. Another boarder at the barn passed by me while we were unsaddling and said quietly, "Ebay."

My husband's favorite line is going through my head right now too - "Christmas is coming!" But maybe not soon enough this year.....
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