Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Work-In-Progress...

I'm sure poor Curly is beginning to feel a bit picked on. To "encourage" him to eliminate his awful head shaking habit, a contraption made up of bungees and a rubber bit is being used for a period of time each day. All of this is helping him learn correct head placement, among other things. E. says that she can already feel a difference in his responses to her cues and in his movement.

One of the Fair Court princesses was out at the barn today as well. While she was working with some animals in the arena, her mother came over to see what we were doing with our horse. I have to admit that I felt a bit like a proud mother, hearing her say what a pretty boy he was and then also having our barn manager agree and add even more compliments. You'd think they were telling me that I was the pretty one!

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