Saturday, September 27, 2008

Workin' again...

Yesterday, E took her first ride on Curly since last July. She was ecstatic when I told her they could travel around the arena at a slow walk for 20 minutes or so. She didn't waste time saddling up, choosing to ride bareback instead. Both horse and rider were so happy to be working together again!

E made quite the funny picture once the ride was done. Riding bareback had left large dirt stains on her backside, plus so much horse hair she was actually able to curry it off. The fact that she wore mis-matched boots yesterday just made her seem all the sillier:

The post-cleaning version of E's outfit...

Why the mis-matched boots, you ask? Her ankle has been acting up again, necessitating the use of an ankle brace. When wearing the brace, she needs my (larger) left boot. Funny looking, but effective!

I also think she just likes to be weird sometimes. :-)

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