Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Decision made

Okay, it's been an eventful horse-life around our house lately. And there was more to add to all our drama on Monday evening.

G'pa J has wanted to ride Curly for quite a while now and I must admit to being hesitant to having him out to the barn to do so. My trust level in Curly is not all that great and while I seem to be willing to risk my own neck and my daughter's on him, I haven't wanted to be responsible for anything that might happen to someone else.

I should'a stuck with that gut feeling.

G'pa J came out with us on Monday and had his first ride on Curly. As I anticipated, Curly was a bit frisky and stubborn. He was not too sure about having someone new on his back - especially a 6'7" someone! But they were managing together okay. G'pa J took some time to help teach Curly more about neck reining, but mainly they just walked and trotted around the arena.

I didn't see what started the bucking, but I turned away for a few moments and when I looked back Curly was trying his best to rid himself of his rider. G'pa J did what I probably would have done - grabbed the horn to hang on! (A better response is to grab his reins and turn him into a tight circle or stop him. Hard to remember when all you can think about is that hard dirt looming before you!) After bucking down a good 25' of the arena, G'pa J finally came out of the saddle, landing hard on his side. Curly bolted out of the arena (a section of fence was down) - I had to send E out to catch him and then work him hard in the round pen (since none of us were willing/able to get into the saddle to ride him).

Long story short, G'pa J broke his pelvis in 3 places and will not be moving around much for the next 6 weeks. And Curly is now officially for sale.

E and I talked about our feelings of fear when we ride Curly and how he is learning that he can successfully rid himself of unwanted riders by bucking. Neither of us is a strong enough rider to handle what he may potentially dish out. So he needs a new home. With a more experienced rider.

I'm going to miss the big guy.

1 comment:

Anita Blanchard said...

I have to tell you that these stories are so dramatic!

And explain why horses scared the beejeesus out of me when I was a kid!