I look forward to Sundays for lots of reasons; helping E get ready for Pony Club is one of them. We usually head out to the barn around noon, bring both of our boys in from the fields and begin the laborious process of making them presentable. Mud season and a white horse are not a good combination!
Sometimes, I have time to work Curly a bit and will either take him into the round pen or hand-walk him around the barns. Today, we had less time, so I just helped E get Monte ready for the upcoming lesson.
E was feeling a little under the weather and I ended up twisting her arm a bit to get her to ride. I think she was more nervous about getting back into an English saddle after last week's fall than she wanted to admit - so I felt it was doubly important that she ride today. Plus Monte really needs the exercise.
And even though she grumbled about it at first, in the end E had a good ride and was glad we came out for Pony Club. (Mom knows best, hmmmm?)
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