I was a little nervous about taking Q out on the trail - even knowing that he's an old hand at this and the whole ride was to be done at a walk. Once we got out there, though, it felt awesome! I had such a great time and didn't even mind the fact that it was so cold that my toes began to hurt within 20 minutes of leaving the parking lot. Below is a view from Q's back:
There were no bad incidents out on the trail, other than super cold hands and feet. We did have a run-away horse, however, while trying to load the animals. I was holding onto another rider's pony when it decided it wanted to find its horse buddy (who had already been loaded into another trailer). I tried to stop the pony but when he began to drag me through the gravel parking lot, I had to let go; there was no way I was going to stop him without getting myself hurt. He took off up a trail, while we quickly unloaded his buddy to lure him back down the trail. After 15 minutes of a game of chase and follow with this guy, we were able to capture the (very naughty!) runaway horse. I felt terrible about letting him go, but am unsure what else I could have done in the situation, other than have had him tied to the trailer to begin with rather than holding him by hand. In the end, no harm was done...and I learned a bit about how to catch a horse!
Back at the barn, friend T. took a look at Curly's back hooves. We agreed that the right one does smell a bit "off" - she thought it might be residual medicine smell. Friend A. suggested rinsing with bleach water a few times to clean out any remaining bacteria, which we will do soon. We also took a look at the left hoof, which is exhibiting some warmth at the top, near the hairline. It was decided that this one is a "wait and see" situation - could be swollen and injured from too much use through favoring the right hoof, or could be something as awful as another abscess. I'm really hoping it's just too much use causing the pain!
E. made turkey pot pie for dinner last night - Yum! Here's how she decorated the top:
I especially like the hearts surrounding his name and the little horse shoes at the bottom.
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